• nude japanese women    相關企業商業資訊
    1. 楷珞股份有限公司

      ...模式: 一為自有品牌女鞋Kristine U設計及開發,設計理念為"Women Ought to be Sexy",以"Absolute High Heel" (絕對高跟)優雅時尚為方向,創立六年來為嗜好高跟鞋的女性消費者提供美鞋指標的美學品牌。其次為代理高質感、高設計感的時裝及配...

      電話:02-28941826    地址:台北市北投區新市街24巷51號2F
    2. Maru Japanese Restaurant

      Maru 日本料理餐廳 位于新西蘭基督城的市中心﹐ 已營業五年﹐ 從生魚片﹑壽司﹐煮物﹑天婦羅----到串燒﹐包含各樣傳統日本料理﹐但沒有鐵板燒﹐是一個居酒屋形態的餐廳。

      電話:643-3667613    地址:192 Manchester St. Christchurch
    3. 貴婦圍裙百貨


      電話:     地址:桃園縣中壢市中山路431號
    4. 友元電子股份有限公司

      As a joint-venture division of a well-known Japanese brand and the MIC group, YUTEK has been involved in monitor design and production since 1987, and is a highly regarded exporter of CCTV monitors and accessories.At end of 1994, YUTEK became an independent corporation upon the end of its joint vent...

      電話:02-25014126    地址:台北市中山區建國北路二段65號9樓
    5. 鴻瑞不動產股份有限公司

      ...al and international clients. Home Real Estate possesses stable amount of Japanese clients and we are aimed at Japanese businessmen and Japanese company’s representatives to supply rental service. Now we also increase our services to English speakers. Our major purpose is to be a good translator ...

      電話:02-25856798    地址:台北市中山區民權東路二段11號1樓

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